
Objectives: To identify the percentage of occupational stress using the JCQ-V scale in doctors and clinical nurses at Quy Hoa Central Leprosy-Dermatology Hospital in 2018 and to analyze some associated factors of occupational stress among health care work.

Methods: Survey design: A cross-sectional research with quantitative method was applied in our study. 203 physicians and clinical nurses met the selection criteria. 171/203 doctors and nurses working in the department of internal medicine, surgery, dermatology, and others were interviewed (76.7%).

Participants: Doctors and clinical nurses, with a labor contract of at least 1 year at the time of data collection and agree to participate in the study.

Methodology: Karasek's model for assessing occupational stress, which included 33 questions and assessed three aspects which were psychological stress (from 1 to 8), decision- making or self-control at work (from verses 9 to 25), and support through evaluating worker relationships with colleagues and superiors (from 26 to 33) (13). According to Karasek model, we classified stress into four group: high pressure jobs, passive work, active work, and comfortable work. High pressure jobs were calculated by total score psychological pressure over 16 and decision power ≤ 34 (threshold of occupational stress). Passive works were calculated by total score psychological pressure ≤ 16 and decision right ≤ 34. Active works were calculated by total score psychological pressure> 16 + decision right > 34. Comfortable works were calculated by total score psychological pressure ≤ 16 + decision right > 34. Stress status is “yes” when the assessment in the Karasek model is “high pressure work” (13). The questionnaire was tested on 02 subjects, including 01 doctor and 01 nurse, then completed before the official investigation.

Results: We interviewed 171/203 doctors and nurses of hospitals, including 46 doctors and 125 nurses. Women accounted for a higher proportion than men (72.5% compared to 27.5%). Researchers group aged 30 and above accounted for 63.7%. More than half of research participants work for 5 years or more, at a rate of 61.4%. Half of research respondents have university and postgraduate educational level with the rate of 50.3%

Conclusion: Findings indicated that the research group with the most active jobs accounted for the highest proportion (62%). The job stressors affecting the healthcare workers included some personal factors (age group, education level), occupation factor (age group, ministry work division, number of nights, labor type, and intensity of work). Hospital should conduct screening all doctors, nurses, and medical staffs to identify subjects having occupational stress and give appropriate intervention. For doctors and clinical nurses, the hospital needs to enhance the exchange of sharing experiences, sharing the work volume. Next studies should use a standardized tool to assess occupational stress and follow-up data to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

Available from: Frontiers in Psychiatry, Article 960, Volume 10, January 2020.  www.frontiersin.org doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00950




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