A guide to Communication skills training

“The utility of all research depends on the quality of the information
and in the case of information collected from talking to people,
it depends critically on the quality of the communication
between the research participants and researchers.” 

Kevin Marsh, former Director, KEMRI Wellcome research programme and Norbert Peshu,
Chief Research Officer at the KEMRI Centre for Geographic Medicine Research Coast

This communications training course was developed to enhance the capacities of field workers in their interactions with research participants. A practical and accessible resource.

Access to the full training materials here

Communicating with awareness and emotional competence: Strengthening skills to interact respectfully, for health professionals across cultures. (iCARE-Haaland model)

“Active listening, with understanding and empathy, is the most important skill”

Caroline Mulunda (Clinical officer in Kilifi, Kenya)

A comprehensive resource building communication and emotional competence for those working in challenging health settings. Accessed as a full course to be completed within work contexts through both a reflective and in person workshop model over a period of time.

Access to the full training materials here.