The manual

The Why and How of this training: Reasons it is needed, and how to implement it. (pdf

  1. Why and how to organize training: Overview, Concepts, and History [page 7, pdf] 
  2. The iCARE-Haaland training model: learning needs and characteristics [page 22, pdf]
  3. Selected literature: Challenges in skills training for communication and emotional competence [page 35, pdf]
  4. The iCARE-Haaland model to communicate with awareness and emotional competence: Approaches, core elements and use of power [page 59, pdf]
  5. The role of research in an institution, using the iCARE training to support research staff [page 95, pdf]
  6. Methods: Reflective and experiential learning in structured, supportive processes, over time [page 103, pdf]
  7. The role of trainers: Essential guides and role-models in the learning process [page 160, pdf]
  8. Planning and organizing iCARE training process [page 195, pdf]
  9. Challenges to implementing iCARE training [page 211, pdf]
  10. The History of the model: How it was developed – a personal story. Dedications [page 213, pdf]
  11. Practical advice from trainers [page 222, pdf]